
Thursday, 10 December 2020 / Published in Non classé, Offers

Nous souhaitons recruter un(e) post-doctorant(e) en charge de développer des méthodes participatives pour la co-construction de scénarios de gestion des pêches, de mesures de conservation des ressources halieutiques, d’opportunités de transformation du secteur et d’adaptation des acteurs de la pêche aux changements climatiques et socio-économiques globaux. Date limite 15 janvier 2021.


Friday, 11 September 2020 / Published in Frontpage, Frontpage, Frontpage, Frontpage


The overall objective of SOMBEE is to build future scenarios of marine biodiversity with emphasis on the effects of fishing and climate change. Co-creating the program and sharing our findings with regional stakeholders is a top priority in SOMBEE.

Our team set up an online survey on the importance of various drivers and factors shaping the current and future status of fish species in your region.

The information collected will help guide how models are used and will help design outputs most relevant to regional groups (from scientists, to conservationists, to fishers).

The survey takes approx. 15 min to be filled. It will be online until October 15, 2020.



Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding this survey. For general information and if you are interested in participating, please contact:

For the survey: University of Hamburg’s Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries Science (fabien.moullec/at/, vera.koepsel/at/

North Sea and English Channel: Bruno.Ernande/at/, Morgane.Travers/at/, Ghassen.Halouani/at/

Black Sea: Ekin Akoglu (ekin/at/

Gulf of Lions: Gregoire.Certain/at/, Tarek.Hattab/at/, yunne-jai.shin/at/

Gulf of Gabes: Ghassen.Halouani/at/

Northern Humboldt: Ana Alegre (palegre/at/, Jorge Tam (jtam/at/

Yellow Sea: Yong Jun Tian (yjtian/at/, Sun Peng (sunpeng/at/

Pacific Coast of Canada: William Cheung (w.cheung/at/, Muhammed Oyinlola (m.oyinlola/at/

Tuesday, 11 February 2020 / Published in Meetings

The first Black Sea Regional Workshop of the SOMBEE project was held on Feb, 11th 2020 in the METU Ankara campus successfully (contact : Ekin Akoglu).

Tuesday, 15 October 2019 / Published in Meetings

The Kick-off meeting of SOMBEE took place in Montpellier from the 9th to the 11th Of October 2019. The Biodiversa and Belmont Forum project will develop over the coming three years, with great scientific challenges to innovate our capacities in projecting the future of marine biodiversity. Ten teams from around the world discussed how to best model the eco-evolutionary dynamics of whole marine ecosystems, identified the data needed to parameterize and calibrate these novel models, elaborated a working plan to engage multiple stakeholders in the co-building of fishing and climate change scenarios that are meaningful at the regional and local scale. SOMBEE partners are thankful to the Advisory board (Mark Dickey-Collas, Paul Leadley, Steve Mackinson, Frédéric Le Manach) whose excellent feedbacks helped to better align with expectations from the academic, conservation, and fisheries management world.

Friday, 11 October 2019 / Published in Frontpage, Media

The French newspaper Midi-Libre reports on the launch of the SOMBEE project.